Table of Contents


A paired text requires two conceptually related texts that could be linked by topic, author, or genre (Harste & Short, with Burke, 1988, as cited in Bintz, 2015 ).


One of the instructional shifts required in the CCSS was a greater reading of informational texts and more multisource reading. This really begins heavily in the 4th grade.

6 Ways to Effectively Teach Paired Texts and Paired Passages {Free Posters and Center}

Tips for Teaching Paired Passages

Paired Text and Slavery-Try to look for children's literature that isn't all “celebrate the escaped slave….)

Why and How to Use


Works Cited

Eileen M. Shanahan & Ashley K. Dallacqua (2018): Moving beyond“Agreeable” Texts and “Boring” Tasks: Pairing Young Adult Literature and Critical Literacy inTeacher Education, Action in Teacher Education