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Language of Design

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    <p class="card-back">
      The over all scene behind a subject.
    <br >
      <img src="https://cdn.glitch.com/ed7d7413-aab6-4cd4-87fc-4b997127a051%2F3549142_orig.jpg?v=1595519035937"><br >
      The clouds are in the background

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    <p class="card-back">
      The scene in front of the subject
    <br >
      <img src="https://static.photocdn.pt/images/articles/2017/10/31/articles/2017_8/iStock-846199390-min.jpg" alt="lighthouse on rocky coast"><br >
      The rocky landscape in front of the lighthouse is the foreground

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    <p class="card-back">
      The focus, or main point of a piece of art.<br>
      <img src="https://picturecorrect-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/how-to-emphasize-photo-subject.gif" alt="cactus with sun behind"><br>
      The cactus is the subject of the photo.

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          Framing is a technique to draw attention to the subject by having other objects create a "box" or "walls".<br>

     The photographer is framing the church with the trees

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      Signal Words
    <p class="card-back">
      Signal words tell the audience you are changing subjects
      <img src="https://www.lexialearning.com/sites/default/files/signal%20words.png" alt="List of Common Signal Words">

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      Tips for Artists
    <ul class="card-back">
     <li>Plan out your stories</li>
      <li>Match your prewriting strategy to your media</li>
      <li>Consider how foreground and background influence your subject</li>
      <li>Use common transition patterns. In both media and writing, make the signals clear to the audience</li>
      <li>Have a color pallet for transitions and headers</li>
      <li>If using slides have transition slides and use common layout</li>
      <li>Break the above rules when it improves design</li>

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    <h2 class="card-front">
      Tips for Parents
    <ul class="card-back">
     <li>Pause the DVR discuss foreground, background, and subject</li>
      <li>Go on a trip to a museum or museum website together</li>
      <li>Look through family photos and find the foreground and background</li>



Language of Designing Design


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    <p class="card-back">
      The graphic organizer artist use to make media like movies and podcasts<br>
      <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Storyboard_for_The_Radio_Adventures_of_Dr._Floyd.jpg"><br>
      The storyboard has areas for action, dialogue, and details.
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    <p class="card-back">
      A design or writing choice designed to indicate the changing of subjects or details<br>
      In writing we use specific signal words as transitions. All media uses this type of text structure
      <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/pbblogassets/uploads/2016/03/Wipes-from-Star-Wars.gif" alt="wipe transition example from Star Wars"><br>
     Star Wars uses a lot of "wipes" as a transition. 

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      Out of Panel
    <p class="card-back">
     Out of panel means action that occurs to characters the audience does not see. An artist needs to help explain out of panel action
    <br >
      <img src="https://media1.fdncms.com/chronogram/imager/u/original/8993620/guide_rr-pollak---flash-gordon.jpg" alt="scene from flash gordon comic"><br >
      Artists use dialogue in comics to explain action that occurred out of panel
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    <p class="card-back">
      The conversations between characters or subjects in a story
    <br >
      <img src="http://www.cmpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/dialogue_header.jpg" alt="silohuettes with "><br >
      Characters can have internal, talking to themselves, or external, talking to other, dialogue.
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      An asset is a short media clip or image used in a project<br>
      <img src="https://picturecorrect-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/how-to-emphasize-photo-subject.gif" alt="cactus with sun behind"><br>
      The cactus is the subject of the photo.
  <div class="card-body">
    <h2 class="card-front">
    <p class="card-back">
      A design or writing choice designed to indicate the changing of subjects or details<br>
      In writing we use specific signal words as transitions. All media uses this type of text structure
      <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/pbblogassets/uploads/2016/03/Wipes-from-Star-Wars.gif" alt="wipe transition example from Star Wars"><br>
     Star Wars uses a lot of "wipes" as a transition. 
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      Audio, or sound derives from the Greek word audire, which comes from the ancient Proto Indian European language word of "au" to perceive. 
      <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/The_Elements_of_Sound_jpg.jpg" alt="List of Common Signal Words">The machine displayed the sound waves of the audio track
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    <h2 class="card-front">
      Tips for Artists
    <ul class="card-back">
     <li>Create storyboard</li>
      <li>125 words is about a minute of dialogue</li>
      <li>You can use voiceover to give characters internal dialogues</li>
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    <h2 class="card-front">
      Tips for Parents
    <ul class="card-back">
     <li>Pause the DVR discuss transitions</li>
      <li>Play with the online etymology dictionary together</li>
      <li>Create a family  interview time capsule</li>


Language of Designing Meaning

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    <h2 class="card-front">
      Intro and Outro
    <p class="card-back">
      The beginning, intro, and the end, outro of media often has a theme song or common announcement<br>
      <img src="https://www.thepodcasthost.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Best_Health_Podcasts-illustration.jpg"><br>
      The intro and outro help you grow your audience by "branding" your media
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      To combine parts together in a whole; to bring disparate people; some usually facing oppression, together.
      <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/pbblogassets/uploads/2016/03/Wipes-from-Star-Wars.gif" alt="wipe transition example from Star Wars"><br>
     We use graphic organizers and notes to integrate ideas with our prior knowledge. People use storytelling to integrate culture and identity into identity and culture.

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    <p class="card-back">
     To make a solution, like dirty water, more clear; make a statement less confusing
    <br >
      <img src="https://ecdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Monitor-and-Clarify-Worksheets-and-Poster-1187566-1500875396/original-1187566-1.jpg" alt="picutre with clarifying strategies of re-read and checking context"><br >
      A good podcast can clarify confusing topics for the audience
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    <p class="card-back">
      a appropriate connected or "on topic" a subject is to yoru goal
    <br >
      <img src="https://studio.eku.edu/sites/studio.eku.edu/files/_thumbs/Images/evalinfojpeg_2(1).jpg" alt="poster of evaluation techniques"><br >
      When you evaluate the relevancy of a website you ask "How useful is this to me?"
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    <p class="card-back">
     To make something important or to stress the point<br>
      <img src="https://thesaurus.plus/img/antonyms/167/emphasize.png" alt="ctwo birds listing emphasize antonyms"><br>
      We use bold fonts to emphasize key words in writing 
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    <p class="card-back">
      The most noteable or important point
      <img src="https://uvocorp-com-static3.netdna-ssl.com/freelancewriting/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Salient-features-process-of-creative-writing.png" alt="pencil with light bulb on top"><br>A good podcast breaks an issue down into a few salient points

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    <h2 class="card-front">
      Tips for Artists
    <ul class="card-back">
     <li>write with your senses to add relevancy</li>
      <li>Evaluate the relevancy of search results</li>
      <li>Use storyboards and scripts to focus on salient points</li>

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    <h2 class="card-front">
      Tips for Parents
    <ul class="card-back">
     <li>Listen to a podcast with your child. Identify the salient points</li>
      <li>Use these words throughout camp. Ask questions like what was relevant at camp? What was the salient point?</li>
      <li>Enjoy your kids work</li>

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