:?: semiotics of kicking signs to the Greek and Locke and leaving indigenous semiotics and symbols unsought left off the clock symptomatology of measuring blocks rocks of gray matter in Bell curve splatters meaning is kinda fleeting Hella rude to leave it up to Dead White Dudes As forces cast spells atop of semiospheres to spread bubbles of fear pushing dopamine and cortisol portals of lies through refactored eyes narrative boundary of understanding derived in biological. Are we but surplus value of code? Piercing de Saussure plowshare of authors tug on metaphor which Lakov roots in Chekov's metaphors and Alice's endless doors Derrida cried Signifier and signified, Fishing in triadic views that allow outside to skew the pews of neatly packed ideas in Churches of the mind More Us echoes in Semiological Guerrilla Warfare flare as Angry Place Faith in Fakes. interpretive Slate of a Rose by any name so Azov with the clothes off painted in fake shames of Pink Nazis in shades of deep state blues For Traditions can't flirt with Frankfurt get a clue {{ :semioticsgetaclue.mp3 |}}