==== Definition ==== The strong effect that background knowledge has on reading comprehension is one of the most stable findings in all of cognitive psychology (Paris & Stahl, 2005). Even early reading researchers from Gates (1931), Huey (1908), and Gray (1939) noted the relationship between background knowledge and reading. Background knowledge, knowledge a reader, network or environment brings to any text or learning situation (Alexander, 1992; Anderson & Pearson, 1984) explains the greatest amount of variance in measures of comprehension, after accounting for the ability to decode text. If you know about a topic you understand more complicated texts about a topic. ( Means & Voss, 1985). In fact reading researcher suggest at least three distinct areas of background knowledge as they construct meaning from informational text (Anderson & Pearson,1984): * general world knowledge * prior subject-matter knowledge, * prior knowledge of text structure === Vocabulary and Background Knowledge === ===== What Do Good Readers Do With Background Knowledge ===== * Organize background knowledge of topic and text structure with what they read (Graesser et al, 1994); * Make intertextaul Links (Hartman, 1999; Kintsch & van Dijk, 1978); * Use text structure to skim and scan (Englert & Hiebert, 1984); * Use background knowledge to monitor comprehension (Duke & Pearson, 2002) * Use background knowledge to question texts. (Paris, Wasik, & Turner, 1991; Duke & Pearson, 2002) * Use background knowledge to for fx-up strateggies (Paris, Wasik, & Turner, 1991; Duke & Pearson, 2002) ===== Background Knowledge in the Classroom ===== * Use KWL charts to have students monitor how background knowledge changes and grows. * Provide concept maps as pre and post measures of knowledge growth * Use vocabulary quizzes and questions as proxies for growth in the classroom