Book Title and Author(s): The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Introduce the Book: Ages 2+

Summary: This book follows the life cycle of a caterpillar. In the beginning of the book, he starts out as a little tiny egg and grows as the book goes on. At the same time, the book is also teaching the days of the week, and the numbers up to five.

Favorite Part: My favorite part of the book was when the caterpillar was eating all of the food. The caterpillar could not stop eating. The illustrations were beautiful and I love how there were little holes in the pages that act as little bites.

Recommendation: Overall, I would highly recommend this book to all children. It has a great story and the pictures are so beautiful to look at. It also helps children with remembering days of the week, and counting 1-5.